About the Festival
A collaboration among several regional arts organizations, the mission of the Small Stones Festival of the Arts is to elevate the practice and appreciation of fine art in the area. Held annually in October and organized by a volunteer committee, the festival currently includes juried exhibitions of two-dimensional art forms (including but not limited to photography, painting in various media and collage), and in some years a program of musical performances and a literary track featuring talks and performances. The goal of the organizers is to gradually expand the festival to include other genres of artistic expression.
Sponsoring Organizations
The Worcester County Camera Club is made up of photography enthusiasts who join together each month to share knowledge and camaraderie surrounding their common interest in the art and science of the camera.
At the regular meetings, held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Brigham Hill Community Barn in Grafton, members share recent photos, take on small assignments for the following month, and have a program which might include a speaker or presentation to enrich their engagement and understanding of the photographic art.
The Blackstone Valley Art Association is dedicated to the advancement of the arts and preservation of the finest artistic traditions by means of exhibitions, classes, lectures, and other activities favorable to artistic expression, and to the development of friendly exchanges amongst artists and those interested in the arts.
They meet at the Uxbridge Community Gallery, 5 South Main Street, Uxbridge, MA on the third Tuesday of every month EXCEPT during the summer months and also hold art shows, field trips, outings, plein air sessions, and other events regularly throughout the year.
Why Small Stones?
The name of our festival, Small Stones Festival of the Arts, reaches deep into the heritage of our land. The name of the original Native American settlement in Grafton, Hassanamesit, translates as “a place of small stones.” Today, the phrase has acquired a literary meaning as a “short piece of writing that precisely captures a fully-engaged moment”. Our aspiration is to provide moments that fully engage our community with the artistic talents of our region.