2024 Exhibition

The 2025 Small Stones Festival of the Arts

January 25 through February 2, 2025

Planning is now underway for the Small Stones Festival of the Arts, 2025 Edition!  

More information to come soon

The 2025 Small Stones Festival of the Arts is scheduled for January 25, 2025 through February 2, 2025, when we’ll be back at our wonderful new location, the Brigham Hill Community Barn, North Grafton, Massachusetts, thanks to the courtesy of Community Harvest Project.  This year’s Art Call for the Festival will open from September 15 through October 15, 2024.   We will be sending out the formal announcement soon.  Our web site for 2025 is still under construction.  Check back this summer for more information.  You can subscribe to our email updates below.

Dereliction, by Dimitry Papkov

The 2023 (for our 2024 Festival held January 2024) Web Gallery is now online, showing the 500+ entries received during the year’s Art Call, with those selected by our jurors for exhibition marked as such.  Check out some of the great artistic talent in our community!

2023 Small Stones Exhibition Catalog

2023/2024 Exhibition Catalog Available Again

A limited quantity of the 2023/2024 Exhibition Catalog is now once again available.  You can visit our shop to place your order.

Small Stones Festival of the Arts

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